The ultimate guidebook for new female leaders, this book contains everything needed to take on a leadership role with confidence. Whether feeling inadequate for a leadership role or simply seeking ways to improve leadership skills, this book teaches individuals how to be leaders of people. Simon Sinek's quote, "A boss has a title. A leader has the people," perfectly encapsulates the purpose of this book - to empower individuals to lead a team early in their careers and excel in their field. With practical tools, hacks, advice, templates, and questions, this guidebook provides a knowledge boost and the necessary resources to confidently lead a team.
Created specifically for female leaders, this guidebook ensures that nothing is left out in the journey of becoming an effective leader. By learning as much as possible about leadership, individuals can be well-equipped to take on the responsibilities of a leadership position. The book aims to give individuals the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in the workplace and beyond. So, whether you're a seasoned leader or someone new to the leadership game, this book is the perfect resource for anyone seeking to improve their leadership skills and step up to a leadership role with confidence.
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